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Net Module

This module focuses on direct, community-centered actions. It cultivates trust, imparts crucial information, and builds lasting connections. The module equips teams to make a tangible impact on the ground.

The Twist

This module allows participants to expand their network to connect with various different communities around them.

Participants will discover the art of forging meaningful relationships with communities that bring unique perspectives, unexpected collaborations, and a twist of excitement to their network expansion endeavors.

Connect, engage, and grow – all within the threads of our specially designed net-centric approach!

  • Community Advocates
  • 5 Sessions
  • 90-120 Minutes Per Session
  • 12-20 Participants Per Session


Net Objectives-01

Understand what outreach is

Net Objectives-02

Acquire the crucial skills for outreach

Net Objectives-03

Learn to tailor outreach strategies to specific target audiences and communities

Net Objectives-04

Enhance participants' community engagement


  • Session 1: Introduction and Overview
  • Session 2: Effective Communication
  • Session 3: Pitching
  • Session 4: Data Collection Methods
  • Session 5: Outreach Methods

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