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Shabake Training with MARCH

Training with former Fighters from March

Our sincere appreciation goes to the March organization. Special thanks go to Mrs. Lea Baroudi and Ms. Darine Dernayka. Thanks to the participants for their active engagement in the training sessions.

Training on “Shabake” Module for effective outreach work with former fighters.

The main objective of the “Shabake” module was to equip participants from vulnerable communities with the necessary skills and knowledge to handle effective outreach work, and provide support and assistance to their peers. Through a series of four training days, the module aimed to enhance participants’ self-awareness, empathy, communication skills, negotiation skills, and creative thinking abilities.

MARCH is a Lebanese non-profit, non-governmental organization working to promote social cohesion and personal freedoms while advocating for equal rights through its work in peace-building and conflict resolution.

The trainings took place at “Kahwetna,” a cultural hub located on Syria Street in Beb El-Tebbeneh. Since 2016, this meeting point has been instrumental in bringing together former adversaries from Jabal Mohsen and Beb El Tebbeneh.

From empowering vocational workshops to educational classes, conflict transformation sessions and activities, and community service initiatives , Kahwetna serves as a catalyst for change, fostering unity and empowerment.

A series of engaging sessions were implemented, where we explored the transformative power of empathy, effective communication, strategic negotiation, and creative thinking.

Group photo with Anthony Abi Zeid - Outreach training


The training approach prioritized active engagement and experiential learning. I facilitated group discussions, role-playing exercises, and reflective sessions, enabling participants to apply their newfound skills in real-life scenarios.

To conclude, these training sessions contributed to enabling the participants to become more confident agents of change. By contributing to enhancing their empathy, communication, negotiation, and creative thinking abilities, they are better equipped to support vulnerable communities effectively specifically their peers. I am committed to continual evaluation and improvement, ensuring that my training remains impactful and responsive to the evolving needs of those I serve.

Together, we are creating a brighter future.

Anthony Abi Zeid
Anthony Abi Zeid

I am a motivational speaker, entrepreneur, life skills trainer, and humanitarian activist.

My life’s work, my aim, and my mission is to make an impact on people’s lives.