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Tick-It - Design Thinking Module

Tick-It Design Thinking Module

Soaring to New Heights

Discover Innovation with the Tick-It Design Thinking Module

In the ever-changing landscape of innovation, navigating through challenges requires creativity, precision, and vision. At Doloctopus, we’ve engineered a groundbreaking approach to design thinking, tailored to take participants on a journey of exploration and discovery.

Welcome aboard the Tick-It Design Thinking Module, a program inspired by the art of aviation, where creativity takes flight and innovation knows no bounds.

What is the Tick-It Module?

The Tick-It module is not just a design thinking workshop—it’s an experience where participants become pilots of their creative journey. Drawing inspiration from aviation, this module uses a unique aviation-themed framework that mirrors the strategic process of flying, from takeoff to landing, ensuring that participants are equipped to navigate any challenge that comes their way.

Just like pilots plotting a course through the skies, participants in the Tick-It module learn to chart innovative paths through the five phases of design thinking: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Each step is designed to guide participants toward innovative solutions that are grounded in a deep understanding of their users’ needs.

The Aviation Journey – Navigating the Tick-It Process

The journey begins by Empathizing, where participants gather critical insights by understanding their users—much like a pilot carefully assessing weather conditions and flight plans to ensure a safe and smooth journey.

In the Define phase, they pinpoint the core problem, similar to how pilots chart the most efficient flight path, ensuring a clear destination is set before takeoff.

Once the problem is defined, the Ideate phase is where participants let their ideas take flight, brainstorming creative solutions as freely as a plane soaring through open skies, exploring different possibilities without constraint.

After ideation, they move to Prototype, where they build and test early versions of their solutions, akin to a pilot making in-flight adjustments to ensure the journey stays on track.

Finally, in the Test phase, participants land their ideas by putting them to the test in real-world scenarios, gathering feedback and making final adjustments to ensure a safe and successful landing, much like a pilot ensuring a smooth touchdown for a flawless journey’s end.

low angle photography of blue commercial airplane

Why Aviation?

The aviation theme in the Tick-It module symbolizes the seamless coordination, precision, and innovation required to solve complex problems. Just as flying demands technical skill and creativity, so does design thinking. By framing the process through the lens of aviation, participants are encouraged to think strategically, adapt swiftly, and push beyond limits—qualities that are crucial in today’s problem-solving landscape.

Aviation Meets Innovation – Real Testimonials

Our participants often describe their experience with Tick-It as a “flight toward creativity”. Many have shared that it’s not just any training, but the best they’ve ever attended. What makes Tick-It so unique, they say, is its high level of creativity and how it meets the objective of the training primarily by inspiring them to think outside the box. By the end of the program, participants feel empowered to approach challenges with a fresh, innovative mindset, ensuring their solutions truly soar beyond expectations.


Whether you’re a creative leader or a team looking to elevate your problem-solving skills, the Tick-It Design Thinking Module offers a unique flight path to success.

Join us on this aviation-inspired journey where innovation takes flight, and let your ideas soar to new heights.

Ready for takeoff? Don’t wait, innovate!

Visit our website and book your creative flight.

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Doloctopus is a consulting and training agency based in Lebanon that offers a comprehensive range of high-quality training and capacity-building services.